PAGSurface Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in PAGSurface.h

+ FromLayer:

Creates a new PAGSurface from specified CAEAGLLayer. The GPU context will be created internally by PAGSurface.

+ (PAGSurface *)FromLayer:(CAEAGLLayer *)layer

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+ FromCVPixelBuffer:

Creates a new PAGSurface from specified CVPixelBuffer. The GPU context will be created internally by PAGSurface.

+ (PAGSurface *)FromCVPixelBuffer:(CVPixelBufferRef)pixelBuffer

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+ FromCVPixelBuffer:context:

Creates a new PAGSurface from specified CVPixelBuffer and EAGLContext. Multiple PAGSurfaces with the same context share the same GPU caches. The caches are not destroyed when resetting a PAGPlayer’s surface to another PAGSurface with the same context.

+ (PAGSurface *)FromCVPixelBuffer:(CVPixelBufferRef)pixelBuffer context:(EAGLContext *)eaglContext

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+ MakeFromGPU:

Deprecated Creates an offscreen PAGSurface of the specified size for pixel reading.

+ (PAGSurface *)MakeFromGPU:(CGSize)size

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+ MakeOffscreen:

Creates an offscreen PAGSurface of the specified size for pixel reading.

+ (PAGSurface *)MakeOffscreen:(CGSize)size

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– width

The width of surface in pixels.

- (int)width

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– height

The height of the surface in pixels.

- (int)height

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– updateSize

Update the size of the surface, and reset the internal surface.

- (void)updateSize

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– clearAll

Erases all pixels of this surface with transparent color. Returns true if the content has changed.

- (BOOL)clearAll

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– freeCache

Free the cache created by the surface immediately. Can be called to reduce memory pressure.

- (void)freeCache

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– getCVPixelBuffer

Returns the internal CVPixelBuffer object associated with this PAGSurface, returns nil if the PAGSurface is created by [PAGSurface FromLayer], or the app is running in the simulator.

- (CVPixelBufferRef)getCVPixelBuffer

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– makeSnapshot

Returns a CVPixelBuffer object capturing the contents of the PAGSurface. Subsequent rendering of the PAGSurface will not be captured.

- (CVPixelBufferRef)makeSnapshot

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– copyPixelsTo:rowBytes:

Copies the pixels of the PAGSurface to the specified memory address. The format of the copied pixels is in the BGRA color type with the premultiplied alpha type. Returns false if failed.

- (BOOL)copyPixelsTo:(void *)pixels rowBytes:(size_t)rowBytes

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